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The Events.AmericanForcesTravel.com Guarantee

We Offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if:

Your order is shipped too late to arrive in time for the event, or not delivered at all;
You were denied entry because of the tickets, or invalid tickets were provided by the seller.*
An event is cancelled entirely, with no rescheduled date.**

Please Note:

* Verified proof must be provided by the venue in written letter format if you are denied entry and seek a refund. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verified proof.

** The refund for a cancelled event excludes any shipping charges.

If you have any questions regarding our Money Back Guarantee, contact Events.AmericanForcesTravel.com customer support by phone: (833) 221-8865 or email: customersupport@mytickettracker.com.